St Patrick's Day

St Patrick’s Day is Big Holiday for Drinking Establishments

Bar and restaurant owners know that certain days of the year are busier than others.
According to Nielsen research, St. Patrick’s Day is the highest grossing day of the year for bars and restaurants in the United States. The data collected suggested that in 2018, beer sales increased by 174% and spirits sales went up 153% on St. Patrick’s Day when compared to average. When you have the opportunity to make a significant profit, it is important that you are prepared. This includes making sure that the equipment you use is specially designed to ensure your success on this holiday, including an efficient sliding door refrigerator to store your beverages.

What is a Backbar Refrigerator?

Back bar refrigerators are used in restaurants and bars to store and easily access bottles, canned beverages, or other products that are stocked up to serve to customers. Many times, these refrigerators fit discreetly under countertops or bars so that they are hidden from customer view but are easily accessible to bartenders and waiters. These sliding door refrigerators are typically equipped with rows of shelving to store bottles and cans in an organized manner and to maximize the amount of storage space available around the bar.

Why are Sliding Door Refrigerators Important in Bars?

In a bar or restaurant, there are dozens of customers and employees moving around in a tight space at any given moment. Bartenders might be brushing back and forth amongst one another in order to serve additional customers or access various products and the less space they have to move the less efficient their service is. As a result, sliding door refrigerators can be important because they are massive space savers. A sliding door does not have to swing out into valuable space that could potentially block a bartender or waiter who is trying to quickly return to his or her guests.

Beer refrigerator

What are the Advantages of Sliding Door Refrigerators in a Bar?

There are two main advantages for sliding door refrigerators in a bar. First, sliding doors are excellent space savers because they do not require additional room for a door to swing open to access the products inside. Therefore, they’re ideal for establishments with limited space and are much less likely to get in the way of employees who are hurrying to provide quick service. The second main advantage is that sliding door refrigerators can prevent excessive loss of cool air as employees repeatedly access products within the beverage cooler throughout a meal service. Additionally, because sliding doors close automatically, you don’t run the risk of accidentally leaving a door open and allowing the cold air to escape for an unknown amount of time. Glass sliding doors allow employees to easily see the products inside of the cooler, identify the ones they need before they open the door and allow the server to quickly grab the necessary drinks quickly instead of standing with the door open for a long time while they search for the right product. As a result, less cold air escapes and the remaining beverages stay nice and cold until they are purchased by another customer.

Sliding Door Refrigerators Mean more Efficiency for your Bar Staff on Busy Nights!

First and foremost, sliding door refrigerators are made of glass to improve the efficiency of your bar staff on busy nights because they allow the servers to view the products clearly and in an organized manner. Consequently, there is no need for the server to waste time digging around in the refrigerator in order to find a specific product they are looking for. For bars and restaurants that offer a large variety of beverages that can be difficult for servers to remember the exact location of each and every one, this can be a huge time saver because the server can scan the entire bar back refrigerator quickly and efficiently. Sliding door refrigerators can also make your staff more efficient because they don’t impede the movements of your employees or take up unnecessary space. Servers in a hurry will never be blocked by a door accidentally left open if it is a sliding door refrigerator. This of course saves time and makes your servers more efficient, but it also increases the safety of the workplace and protects employees from accidentally tripping over refrigerator door doors accidentally left ajar.

Contact Powers Equipment for Customized Sliding Door Refrigerators

Every bar and restaurant is different and has to operate in its own unique setting and space. Consequently no one refrigerator is perfectly suited to operate in every restaurant. Powers Equipment offers fully customized sliding door refrigerators that will maximize your space and will fit in perfectly with the area you have to work with. Whether you are looking for a compact cooler that will fit under the counter or a unique refrigerator that will house anything from bottles of beer to bottles of wine, Powers Equipment has the ability to build the perfect beverage cooler for your establishment.